TKP Technipipe & Supplies features the most modern and productive manufacturing lines, becoming the new and improved alternative for polyethylene pipe, specified and controlled under the most strict quality standards.
The TKP pipe has the most complete line of HDPE pipe that currently exists in the market. TKP in IPS, DIPS and metric (ISO) system, with diameters in IPS series from ½ “- 48″.
In addition we have 11 different RD’s from RD 7 - RD 41, to provide the pipe that best suits your driving needs and the required operating pressure.
TKP pipe is made from the most advanced and recognized materials of our industry.
All resins are rated PE-4710 and / or PE-100 endorsed by the Plastic Pipes Institute (PPI) and included in its Technical Report 4 (TR4).
In addition to its main qualities, it is given a classification cell: 445574 according to ASTM D3350, with an HDB of 1600 psi @ 73 ° F and 1000 psi @ 140 ° F and has an NSF 14/61 certification for the use in potable water systems, with CC 2 or CC3 code of resistance of chlorine for sanitization.
Each batch is subject to receipt tests that verify the stipulated quality and are duly endorsed by a Quality Certificate of Origin from our suppliers, completing the traceability of the TKP pipeline to its raw materials.
The data sheet information of the resin is available to our customers under request.
Note: NSF 14 certificate is only for IPS Pipe and Fittings: Tee, 90° and 45° IPS elbows.
Drinking water
Recycled water
Treated water
Reclaimed water
Oil & Gas:
Pressurized water
Brine for the oil industry
Dry gas
Natural gas​
Fluids with solids in suspension
Sludge in the mining industry
Pressurized water
Industrial Applications:
Conveying chemical solutions or substances
Underground fire networks
TKP pipe has a wide range of applications - for water and water-based fluid conveyance in different markets:
The TKP pipe has the most complete line of HDPE pipe that
TKP can offer pipe with coextruded stripes or coextruded external layer according to applicable color codes or under customer requirements.
For special applications, we offer our special pipeline, such as:
TKP-TR: Fluids at high temperatures (140-180 ° F).
TKP-AR: Abrasion Resistant. TKP-REFLEX: Exposed to sunlight.
TKP-Double Containment Piping Systems: Pipe system for leakage protection.